First Eucharist is the beginning of a lifetime of full and frequent participation in the Eucharist, where we are continually challenged, encouraged and nourished in the journey of faith that began with Baptism.

First Eucharist for school aged children.

In enrolling your child for the Sacrament of Eucharist, you are beginning a wonderful journey, for you, your child, and for the entire parish community.

In saying “Amen” for the first time to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, your child will become one with Jesus in a new way, becoming joined more deeply to the Body of Christ, his Church. In faith you are bringing your child not just to the one moment of First Communion, but also to a new life with Christ.

The whole parish community walks with you on this journey in both prayer and practical support; teachers, catechists, parish staff, Ministry co-ordinators and other parishioners. However, your role in this process is crucial.

The following are some simple things you can do to lead your child to the Eucharist:

  • Model active participation in the Mass every week. Go to Reconciliation with your child.
  • Say a short prayer out loud for your child during grace at meals, at bedtime, or any time your family is gathered together. Involve younger siblings in this important work.
  • Reminisce with your child about your own First Communion, and share what you believe about the Eucharist. Include Godparents and Grandparents in discussions about the Sacrament.
  • Highlight not just the “milestone” aspects of the upcoming celebration of First Holy Communion, but the spiritual as well.

Want to know more about the Eucharist? Click here to go deeper!